Vaccination against Covid-19 with the serum developed by the pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson, is temporarily suspended in the United States and Europe. For what reasons ?
Severe cases of blood clots
The American health authorities recommend, on Tuesday April 13, “ pause In the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Indeed, they must conduct investigations following reports of potentially adverse effects of this vaccine. Six cases of serious blood clots have been reported to the United States Drugs Agency, the FDA. The link is not confirmed at this point, but research is being carried out, notably by the FDA, which “Is investigating six reported cases in the United States of people who developed severe cases of blood clots after receiving the vaccine. She therefore recommends not using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for the duration of the examination.
The Johnson & Johnson laboratory then quickly made the decision to postpone the deployment of its Covid-19 vaccines within Europe, while the investigation was taking place: ” We have made the decision to proactively delay the deployment of our vaccine in Europe. “The pharmaceutical company, which wants to be transparent, as well as the health authorities, advise people who have received this vaccine to declare the possible appearance of” severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath within three weeks of vaccination. “
Similarities with AstraZeneca
This situation appears to be similar to that experienced with the AstraZeneca vaccine. The rare and serious cases of thrombosis which have occurred following a first injection with this vaccine have led the European Medicines Agency to classify them in the list of rare side effects. In addition, the recommendations for inoculating the vaccine now named Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) have changed: only people aged 55 and over are eligible. People under 55 and who have already received a first injection may, 12 weeks later, be administered an RNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), in a second dose.