Six years ago I had a skin condition. On my back I had a kind of chalky bump with a mother-of-pearl edge about 4 centimeters in size. At the back of my neck, just below my hairline, I also got chalky bumps. I was under a lot of stress at the time. After investigation, I was told it was a chronic irritation, not serious. But I forgot to ask what it is and why you get it?
Dick van Gerwen, dermatologist:
Stubborn bumps in the neck are usually caused by small inflammations in the hair follicles. This often occurs in the neck hair. This probably has to do with the chafing of clothing, such as the hem of a blouse or jacket or a hat or cap. As a result, hairs break off and the hair follicle becomes irritated. We call that chronic irritation. It also often occurs in men with thick hair on their thighs, due to chafing of the (tight) pants. The spots usually heal on their own.
It can be more persistent during periods of stress. This is because people have a tendency to scratch or pick at such places during busy periods. Just like some people, for example, start biting their nails more. This will only make the spots bigger and heal more slowly. In addition, they actually itch more and people have an even greater tendency to scratch. In extreme cases, permanent scars can even occur.
Treatment consists of removing the cause of the irritation, for example by wearing softer clothing without a collar. If continuous scratching is the cause, then that should of course be avoided. That is often easier said than done. Especially if there is itching. A strong itch-reducing cream can often break the ‘itch-scratch-itch’ cycle. Sometimes it can still be supported with an itch-relieving tablet.
Image source: NVDV,
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