Diabetic patients, and in particular those treated with insulin (700,000 people in France (1) in chapo, on line 6), have long been calling for painless glycemic self-monitoring technologies. Several companies responded to their request.
Glucometer without needles2 Freestyle Libre: how does it work?
Continuous glucose monitors (or glucometers) consist of a sensor and a reader. The first, the size of a two euro coin, is placed by the patient on the upper part of the back of his arm and, every minute for 14 days3, the element measures the glucose level thanks to a small filament inserted under the skin at the time of application.
Each time the patient wishes to know his glucose level, he just has to pass the reader over the “pellet”, even on top of his clothes. On the meter, the diabetic can read the value corresponding to his glucose level, the history of the last eight hours and the trend of upcoming checks. The device can keep this data for up to 90 days3.
The Benefits of No-Needle Glucometers2
Continuous glucose monitoring devices take away a constraining aspect: the daily pain caused by the prick of the fingertips.
The Freestyle Libre system also makes it possible, thanks to the continuous recording of blood sugar levels, to check the glucose level during physical activity or after the consumption of certain foods. Waterproof, this device can be kept on you during sports, swimming or in the shower4.
Finally, the reader provides the doctor with precise information on the evolution of the diabetic’s blood sugar levels according to his activities (sport, meals, sleep, etc.) and allows him to better adapt the treatment of diabetes.
Discover the FreeStyle Libre system on the site www.monfreestylelibre.fr
1 “Scan your blood sugar and no longer prick your fingertip, a dream soon accessible?”, French Federation of diabetics, October 2014 (http://www.afd.asso.fr/actualites/scanner-sa-glycemie-et -not-prick-your-finger-a-dream-soon-accessible-005923)
2 Performing a fingertip swab test using a blood glucose meter is necessary at times of rapid blood sugar fluctuations where the level of glucose in the interstitial fluid does not always accurately reflect the level in the blood. or if the system indicates hypoglycemia or imminent hypoglycemia, or if the symptoms do not agree with the reading made by the system.
3 The FreeStyle Libre glucose self-monitoring system (www.freestylelibre.fr)
4 Do not immerse your sensor deeper than 1 meter and do not submerge it for more than 30 minutes in water.
5“Diabetes in a few figures and facts”, Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Invs), November 2014 (http://www.invs.sante.fr/Dossiers-thematiques/Maladies-chroniques-et-traumatismes/Diabete/Generalites-et-chiffres-cles/Le-diabete-en-quelques-chiffres-et-faits)
The FreeStyle Libre Self-Monitoring Glucose Monitoring System is a continuous measurement of interstitial fluid glucose levels in people over 4 years of age with diabetes mellitus. In children (4 to 17 years old) the indication is limited to those supervised by an adult person in charge of their treatment.
Its use requires education with a healthcare professional.
If there is any discrepancy between the result and your current state of health, contact your healthcare professional.
Read the instructions carefully.
This medical device is a regulated health product which bears, under this regulation, the CE marking.
Manufacturer: Abbott Diabetes Care Ltd – Range Road – Witney – Oxon OX29 OYL – UK
Distributor: Abbott Diabetes Care – 12 rue de la Couture – BP20235 – 94528 Rungis Cedex.
GP1101ADC053- January 2016