We may well say goodbye to the console war between Playstation and Xbox. Read here why.
It’s not like one side won. No, actually both. Because according to an increasing number of gamers, the answer seems to be “both”. In a world more divided by partisan views than ever before, the gaming community seems to be coming together to push back the idea of a modern “console war”.
Console War PlayStation and Xbox
Rather than devoting themselves to one chosen piece of hardware, it’s now much more common for players to have both an Xbox and a PlayStation in their home. That’s according to a study published this month. In “Game Consoles 2021: Respawned and Leveled Up,” more than a third (34%) of respondents said they own both a PlayStation and Xbox by 2021; only a quarter of console gamers could say the same in 2019. So a nice increase.
Hub spoke to more than 2,600 U.S. consumers ages 13 to 74 and found that this spike had nothing to do with an increased interest in playing console games. The research firm found that the number of people engaged with PS4s, PS5s, Xbox Ones and the Series X or S will remain about the same in 2021 (36%) as in 2019 (33%).
home entertainment
Of course the findings still good at the huge spike in home entertainment demand. This is caused by being at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Historical reports from Deloitte, Mintel and Ukie have confirmed this: the amount of hard cash spent on gaming during the lockdown and beyond is greater than ever. And why make a choice, if you can also buy both consoles…