September 22, 2017.
A study funded by the Medicines Safety Agency looked at the effects of aluminum in vaccines on the body. A work passed over by silence by the Ministry of Health.
Aluminum is not harmless to the body
The study conducted in March 2017 by Professor Romain Gherardi, head of the neuromuscular service at CHU Henri Mondor de Créteil, and his team has not been published, but the Parisian had access to it and was able to study the report. The aim of the work was tostudy the effects of aluminum in vaccines (as an adjuvant) on the body. In mice, even at low doses, aluminum-related lesions exist.
The context is favorable and the debate is reopened, because the Minister of Health Angnès Buzyn has decided to make 11 vaccines compulsory (instead of three) from January 2018 for children under two years old. Problem, according to the professor, the aluminum adjuvant present, even at low doses, can ” induce long-term aluminum accumulation and neurotoxic effects “.
Deepen the study to find out more
The work is not finished, but the Ministry of Health does not seem favorable: “ there has been no signal from the authorities suggesting that the subject was of interest to them even though the report says that further studies are needed », Explains Professor Gherardi. Today, € 550,000 is missing to move forward with the study and complete this immense project.
In addition, the researchers looked at a possible genetic predisposition of certain people to develop pathologies following vaccines such as “ macrophage myofasciitis ”, which results in symptoms of fatigue, muscle or joint pain or cognitive disorders. The continuation of this study will have to demonstrate whether the presence of aluminum in vaccines can be made responsible for the appearance of these disorders..
Maylis Choné
Read also: Vaccination: current ideas and debates