I’m used to eating some fruit for dessert. Then I peel an apple at my leisure or put a banana in a bowl of low-fat yogurt. This way I know for sure that I have at least a piece of fruit every day. But recently I heard that it is not good at all to eat fruit after dinner. And that the vitamins are not absorbed? What’s from here?
That fruit after dinner is unhealthy is a persistent myth. You sometimes hear popular food gurus claim that if you fruit eat your after the meal digestive system is already so busy getting nutrients from the meal that the body no longer has time to process the fruit. This would then sit on top of the meal and rot in your body. All good substances would then have disappeared before they can be absorbed.
Fortunately, our body works a lot more efficiently than that. Carbohydrates, protein and fats, they can all be digested at the same time. The gastrointestinal system is designed in such a way that food does not rot and that the body can get everything it needs from your food. In whatever order you eat it.
Moreover, it is practically impossible to eat all nutrients ‘separately’. After all, most meals consist of a combination of these substances. Fruit is perfect for snacking, but fruit with meals also has its benefits. Firstly, because then you cannot forget to eat fruit, as you yourself indicate. But fruits can also help get iron from plant foods. Very useful for vegetarians and vegans, who do not get their iron from meat.