THE intermittent fasting or sequential consists of not eating for 16 hours in a row. According to a scientific study published at the end of 2019, sequential fasting would be beneficial for health. Before knowing more, let us recall the principle. It’s about stopping eating every day at a certain time for at least 14 hours. The idea is to go from three to two meals a day: “We have dinner and wait until 1 p.m. the next day for lunch. The drink remains however authorized during the fasting period: water, tea, coffee, herbal teas without sugar or sweeteners of course“, says Dr Frédéric Saldmann, author of “Health in front of you”, at Robert Laffont.
The essential idea is to put our body and our organs at rest. “Eating is not nothing, it is to work the liver, the kidneys, hormones, enzymes and at some point, the body gets a little tired“, specifies the specialist.
Effects on weight, but not only…
But what result does this method give? On weight, there is a loss of pounds most of the time. Provided of course that the other meals remain balanced and reasonable. No question of stuffing yourself with fat and sugar outside of fasting. In which case, you will not see any significant weight loss. But beyond this effect, there are others, far from being uninteresting. “When we practice this sequential fast we reduce the inflammation of the body which is the gateway to all diseases. We increase immunity, getting rid of cancerous cells that we produce every day, viruses, bacteria and toxins too. In addition, we are increasing the anti-aging growth hormone and we are fighting against our planned obsolescence”.
To be tested over a short period before adopting
So miracle method? Not always ! This process is totally not recommended for pregnant women, children, adolescents, and those who suffer from chronic illnesses or whose medical opinion excludes the possibility. For all the others, it remains the means to regenerate and repair their organism. In any case, there are as many organisms as individuals, so if you are tempted, why not test over a short period. “We are our best doctor. So we can always try and see how we feel”, concludes Frédéric Saldmann.
Read also:
- Intermittent fasting or calorie restriction: what is the best technique for losing weight?
- Calculate your BMI with our online tool
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