According to the latest epidemiological bulletin of Public health France, all regions of France are at the red alert level for the flu, including the 4 territories of the Antilles. The number of influenza virus consultations increased by 14% compared to last week, while the epidemic already seemed well established. And there is also an increase in emergency visits (14,000 visits in one week) and hospitalizations (2,171 people hospitalized). These hospitalizations particularly concern people aged 75 and over (48%) and children under 5 (13%).
Barrier gestures
From the start of influenza surveillance (week 40, October 1-7, 2018) and up to week 04 (January 21-27, 2019), it is estimated that approximately 1800 deaths of all ages are attributable to influenza . A brief reminder of precautionary measures to limit the risk of contagion :
• Wash your hands several times a daywith soap and water. Viruses are transmitted by the tiny droplets expelled during a sneeze or a cough. You can inhale them if you are nearby, but this “vaporization” also falls on the patient’s hands and on surrounding objects, where they survive for several hours within reach of the first comer who will also put their fingers there. Hence the importance of eliminating them with soap and water. A reflex to adopt at least before preparing meals or eating, after blowing your nose, going to the toilet, or on your way home from the office, the subway or the shops.
• Stop the virus by strengthening your immune defenses. Zinc, gold and selenium ampoules will strengthen your natural shield against the flu.
• Give up going on a diet because this is not the time to have low energy and drink enough because good hydration allows you to limit the spread of viruses.
• Sanitize the house: the dryness caused by the heating weakens the mucous membranes. Ventilate daily and humidify the ambient air. You can add a few drops ofScots pine essential oil in humidifiers placed on radiators. It decongests the respiratory tract and stimulates against all infections, viral or bacterial.
Read also :
Homeopathy, my solution against the flu
Flu: grandmother’s remedies to perk up