How will parents be informed of the terms of the vaccination that will be carried out in their children’s college or high school?
Parents have received or will receive, from the school, the documents concerning the vaccination of their child. They must return to the establishment the “vaccination voucher” sent to all families by the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) and the completed consent form for minor children (or by those concerned for adult students). The duly completed form on the medical history and the health record will be submitted directly by the student in a sealed envelope to the doctor of the vaccination team.
It should be noted that the words “to be completed by the doctor” appearing on the individual medical form attached to the documents sent to the parents of the pupils last refers to the doctor of the mobile vaccination team (EMV) responsible for carrying out the vaccination students in the school, and not to the attending physician.
Who carries out the vaccination in middle and high schools?
These are “mobile vaccination teams” (EMV) which carry out vaccination in schools. These teams are made up of a doctor and one or more nurses depending on the number of students to be vaccinated. National Education health personnel are invited to take part.
The doctor receives the pupil, checks all the necessary documents and ensures that the pupil’s state of health allows him to receive the vaccination. This will be done by the nurse. All the documents will then be given to the pupil (health record, vaccination certificate, etc.).
Who are the pupils concerned?
All students enrolled in a college or high school are affected by this system, including students from regional adapted education establishments (EREA), agricultural education establishments, preparatory classes for grandes écoles and BTS classes.
Why did you decide to organize vaccination sessions only in middle and high schools, and not in schools?
Parents must accurately complete a history form for their child, to give to the immunization team. But it is also important that an exchange is established on possible risk factors, contraindications or imprecise elements so that this team decides whether or not to proceed with the desired vaccination. To do this, it is necessary for parents to accompany their children who are not old enough to interact with the vaccination team. However, nursery and elementary schools are not able to accommodate as many parents of students during school time to talk to the vaccination team in this way, so it was decided that the vaccination of primary school children should ‘would perform in the 1080 “all public” centers spread across the territory, in the presence of a parent.
Middle and high school students, on the other hand, are able to interact with the vaccination team. They can therefore be vaccinated in their establishment, if they have the authorization of their parents, the form on their medical history and if the medical interview proves favorable.
Are college and high school students who their parents want to vaccinate required to be vaccinated in their establishment?
No, they don’t have to. Their parents can choose to accompany them and have them vaccinated in the center to which their home is attached. Nevertheless, the system put in place in middle and high schools prevents young people and their parents from having to travel, by offering them the same guarantees. However, middle and high school students with particular health problems and whom parents wish to accompany during the vaccination can go to the vaccination center at their place of residence.
If my child is over 18, can he get vaccinated in his school?
Yes, as long as he is well educated in a high school and wishes to be vaccinated there. But unlike minor high school students, they freely exercise their choice as an adult and are not required to present parental authorization to the vaccination team. Like all adults, they will complete a vaccination consent form.
If I have a child who is 20 years old in BTS (high school) and 19 years old at university, only the first can be vaccinated in high school, even though he is older. Isn’t that paradoxical?
The paradox is only apparent, because we must consider the establishment as a community of global life, in which it is necessary to protect the youngest. It is therefore not the age of the pupil that is important here, but the environment in which he evolves. This is why the authorities offer a major high school student to be vaccinated in his establishment, like his classmates in second, first or terminal.
Students enrolled in universities or other higher education establishments have the same priority as adults (without particular pathologies) and can be vaccinated like them when the time comes in local centers.
If my child is enrolled in a public or private educational establishment under contract that does not depend on the Ministry of National Education, such as agricultural or maritime educational establishments, can I have them vaccinated on site?
Yes, the system applies in all public or private high schools and colleges under contract.
If my child is enrolled in a private secondary school, can I have them vaccinated on site?
Yes, if it is a private college or high school under contract. If his establishment is private out of contract, it is necessary to inquire with his manager. The prefects were instructed to contact the heads of establishments outside the contract in order to examine the conditions for organizing vaccination by the mobile vaccination teams. Failing this, these children are invited to be vaccinated at the vaccination center closest to their home.
How to preserve the confidentiality of the medical elements to be provided for the vaccination, if it takes place in a college or a high school?
All documents to be provided to the vaccination team are delivered through the student in a sealed envelope. Only the staff of the vaccination team can open this envelope.
Likewise, health records are returned to students and families in a closed envelope and in their name.
This device is already commonly used in schools for the vaccination of children or medical visits and thus makes it possible to guarantee respect for medical confidentiality.
If a middle school student refuses to be vaccinated at the last moment, what happens?
The vaccination will not be carried out and this decision is mentioned in the person’s health record.
On the day of the vaccination in a middle or high school, what happens to the pupil if he misses one of the conditions required for his vaccination?
All the conditions must be met for the vaccination to be carried out: good state of health in view of the medical questionnaire and presence of the necessary documents. If, for example, one of the requested documents is not provided, the pupil is not vaccinated.
Is a child who is sick on the day of vaccination vaccinated?
It is the team doctor who determines whether the child’s general condition on the day of vaccination is compatible with it. If this is not the case, the vaccination is not carried out and can be postponed, if necessary.
Can staff working in middle and high schools be vaccinated in their establishment, if they wish?
Whether a teacher, administrative, technical or managerial staff, no adult is vaccinated in middle and high schools. Like their colleagues working in schools and like the rest of the population, they will be vaccinated in vaccination centers.
My child has a particular pathology and / or has a PAI (or PPS) at school: will he be vaccinated?
Pupils whose state of health requires specific medical monitoring are advised by the doctors who follow them and vaccinated in the vaccination center closest to their home.
Source: Ministry of Health