the Cervical cancer, which affects 2,800 women per year, may affect young women with a desire for children. However, the treatments implemented (a hysterectomy most often) are usually incompatible with a pregnancy plan. However, a young woman suffering from cervical cancer two years ago has just given birth to a little Loeva at the Montpellier University Hospital.
This is a first for this hospital center which has just set up a preservation platform fertility. This platform brings together various specialists (obstetrician gynecologists, biologists, reproductive physicians, surgeons, medical oncologists) and aims to keep chances of pregnancy in women (but also in men with a desire to have children) who must be treated for cancer.
A trachelectomy rather than a hysterectomy
In the case of this young woman, Dr Gauthier Rathat, hospital practitioner in obstetric gynecology at the Montpellier University Hospital, chose to proceed with a trachelectomy, that is to say the only removal of the cervix rather than a hysterectomy (the total removal of the uterus) so that she can maintain her chances of bearing a baby.
But this technique is not always possible. To benefit from it, the patient must be less than 40 years old and at an early stage of cancer. “We must ensure that we can only remove part of the uterus, the part that does not receive the child and the cervix to allow both treatment of the disease and that this patient can become pregnant. and have a good pregnancy “ explains the doctor to France Blue Hérault.
Read also :
Cervical cancer: the smear can detect it 9 times out of 10
Cervical cancer screening will be free