Ultra effective against stress, against depression … Cats, we love them, we adore them, and they make us feel good.
Convinced of the benefits of our favorite hairballs, the Ferray Corporation, a Tokyo company specializing in web page development, has “hired” 9 cats on its premises. Animals roam freely between the offices, to the delight of employees, who do not hesitate to post pictures of their new roommates on social networks …
Obviously, the installation of the animals did not go smoothly: torn tapestries, chewed cables, overgrown meeting tables … Cohabitation is not always easy!
Cat bonus
But the company did not stop there: in addition to encouraging employees to bring their own animals to the office, it also set up a monthly “cat bonus” of 5,000 yen (around € 37) for encourage employees to also adopt a little stress reliever on all fours … We love it!
It’s proven: cat owners are smarter.
Dogs are also good for our health: we can prove it to you.