Dijon has launched its campaign which aims to encourage the consumption of tap water by residents. To this end, 10,000 copies of a “Dijon Water from Dijon” carafe have been produced. 7,000 of them will be distributed free of charge to cafes, restaurants and catering hotels using a non-polluting and silent means of transport. Because this operation is part of a sustainable development approach. The remaining decanters can be won on Saturdays June 27 and July 4 on the Dijon market by its inhabitants. To do this, they will just have to answer the blind tasting test of different waters on water bars specially installed for the occasion. This event completes the water recovery system in schools where 39 faucets will be installed by the Lyonnaise des eaux. They will also help fight against childhood obesity.
5 good reasons to drink tap water
The main wealth of tap water is its richness in mineral salts. First of all, calcium, which is so beneficial for health.
Tap water is environmentally friendly because it is available 24 hours a day without packaging.
It is healthy: chlorine guarantees its sanitary quality from the treatment plant to the tap.
It is pleasant – its taste is tested regularly.
It is economical: the budget for a family of 4 is only 1 euro per day on average for all uses, drink, hygiene, cooking, etc.