A simple, planned approach
To improve a moderate condition, you really don’t have to exercise intensively every day. Don’t make it too difficult for yourself and stick to a simple, planned approach. Seven. steps to build your fitness.
1. New Years resolutions
‘Move more’ is one of those New Year’s resolutions that often doesn’t come to fruition. An intention is not enough. Make the decision to exercise more and plan it in your calendar.
Decide where and what you want to do: do you train at home, outside or at a gym? There are many ways to train. Or would you rather just go running, cycling, dancing, scootering or rowing?
2. Provide motivation
Above all, go do something you enjoy. If you plan to train on your own regularly, ask yourself if you have enough discipline to keep it up.
If you don’t have that, arrange a big stick in the form of appointments with a sports buddy, join a running club, see what gyms and fitness centers have to offer or arrange a personal trainer.
3. Arrange material and knowledge
Make sure you provide yourself with good, motivating gear. You can make it as expensive as you want. You can work out cheaply in your own house and that possibly with jumping rope to combine.
Are you going for a run? Then buy good shoes and start wisely. Read this first running tips.
4. Build Up Slowly
Keep it fun and prevent injuries by slowly building up the training intensity. Don’t forget the warm-up and stretching exercises!
5. Train on strength and condition
This is the basis of your condition improvement: alternate conditional training with light strength training. Do half-hour exercises three to five times a week.
6. Adjust Diet
It’s great if you burn more calories and get fitter, but losing a few pounds only really works when you’re dietary pattern permanently adapts.
A lot of profit can be made if you eliminate carbohydrate-rich white flour products and sugar bombs, such as cookies, snack bars, candy and soft drinks. Have a hearty breakfast with whole grains and use nuts or fruit as snacks.
7. Exercise regularly
Only the persistent wins. The beginning is the hardest. Don’t give up, after a few weeks you will feel better. You will not see immediate results from your body, that is normal. Remember that regular training already provides significant health benefits.