The ARS considers that Professor Humbert’s accusations are unfounded. For her, no serious fault was committed in the dermatology department.
The conflicts within the CHU de Besançon are not about to fade away. Accused of acts of mistreatment and non-compliance with procedures by patients and Prof. Philippe Humbert, former head of the dermatology department, the management decided to file a complaint against the doctor for defamation, she announced this Friday, March 24 during a press conference.
At the start of the week in the columns of Parisian, Professor Humbert, who headed the dermatology department for more than 20 years before resigning, indicated that unwarranted chemotherapy had been carried out. He also asserted that between 2014 and 2015 there were “violations” of multidisciplinary consultation meetings (RCP). These meetings, which must be attended by a surgeon, a radiologist and an oncologist, make it possible to choose the best treatment for the patients. However, Professor Humbert ensures that in about twenty cases, one of these specialists was missing. Worse, documents would have been falsified to make believe that the 3 specialists were indeed present. “We lied to the patients,” he said.
No serious faults, according to the ARS
Unfounded accusations for the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, which has just returned its final report on the situation of the CHU. Jostled by the dermatologist’s denunciations, the ARS decided to make it public a week earlier than expected.
After having appraised about sixty cases, the experts believe that there are no “facts that can justify the seriousness of the accusations formulated publicly by the former head of service”.
Corrected faults
However, the inspectors and doctors behind this report confirm the RCP violations denounced by the doctor. They specify, in fact, that “the defects in the organization and functioning of the RCP noted during the previous mission of November 2015 have since been corrected”. In addition, they do not contradict the existence of non-RCP care. While some of these reports “turned out to be unfounded”, others “focused on elements that have no impact on patient care”.
For the ARS, no serious fault was committed in the dermatology department. This is not the case with Professor Humbert, she believes. Also, on the basis of this report, the Agency decided to seize the disciplinary chamber of the regional council of the Order of Physicians for breaches of the code of medical ethics. The dermatologist has already been heard by the disciplinary chamber of the Regional Order of Physicians on Monday, March 20, 2017.
Out of its silence, the ARS also wants to “fully reassure patients and their families about the quality and safety of the care offered by the dermatology department of the CHU de Besançon”.