Up to 15% of mothers and 10% of fathers may suffer from postpartum depression.
Unlike the baby blues that appear in the days following childbirth, postpartum depression occurs 2 to 4 months, or even 6 months after childbirth. Unfortunately, half of the women who suffer from it do not know what to do or who to contact.
How to recognize postpartum depression?
While the life changes caused by the arrival of the baby can trigger moments of sadness or anxiety, in the case of postpartum depression, the symptoms last for more than 2 consecutive weeks and appear during the first year of childbirth. Contrary to popular belief, it also affects fathers in almost equal proportions.
Symptoms are most often those of classic depression, with fatigue, loss of pleasure and motivation, feelings of guilt and inadequacy, deep sadness, irritability, and disturbances of appetite and sleep. Suicidal thoughts are not to be neglected since they can be present and at risk of acting out.
What if this is your case or it concerns a loved one?
The earlier postpartum depression is detected, the more effective the treatment will be. With the implementation of a systematic interview around the 5th week after childbirth from the beginning of 2022 to identify depression, the government wishes to encourage its early diagnosis. For women most at risk, a second interview around the 12th week may also be offered.
In case of doubt or concern, the attending physician, the gynecologist or the midwife are available to share the difficulties and make the diagnosis if necessary. Consultations with psychiatrists or psychologists can also be organised, including at the nearest CMP (Centre Médico-Psychologique) or at the hospital.
Find out more: “First 1000 Days Report” available at: https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/rapport-1000-premiers-jours.pdf