Our body uses many substances, amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, vitamins, minerals, trace elements to function. These substances are classified into two large families: acids and bases, which have antagonistic characteristics.
The balance between the two is essential. For optimal health, the body needs acids as much as bases. But given the current lifestyle and modern diet, a large part of the population is acidified.
What is an acid?
We all generally know how to recognize an acid taste: lemon, vinegar or even rhubarb evoke this corrosive and aggressive characteristic. However, it is not the only way to determine if a food is acidic.
Indeed, meats and cereals are acidifying for the body, while they are not to taste. Chemistry actually determines whether a food is acidic or not. When acidic minerals outnumber basic minerals, then the substance is classified as acidic. The main acid minerals are: phosphorus, sulphur, iodine, chlorine, silica or even fluorine.
What is a basis?
Unlike aggressive acids, they are sweet substances, but again, taste is not the only indicator, indeed white bread and white sugar, which are rather mild in flavor, are acidifying foods for the body. These substances are also said to be alkaline. Bananas, potatoes or almonds are basic.
When the basic minerals are in greater number than the acidic minerals, then the substance is basic. The main basic minerals are: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, sodium, manganese and cobalt.
Basic substances reduce the acidity of the body. For example, an avocado reduces the acidity of the tomato and thus helps maintain the acid-base balance of a dish.
How do you measure the degree of acidity?
We measure the acidity, the alkalinity or the neutrality of a food thanks to the pH, or hydrogen potential, which is measured on a scale which goes from 0 to 14. 7 represents neutrality, 0 extreme acidity and 14 l absolute alkalinity. These pH measurements are made using a test paper that changes color depending on the acidity or alkalinity.
The body must constantly maintain the acid-base balance, for this it has two solutions, either reject the excess acids outside the body, or neutralize them by producing neutral salts, this is the “buffer system “.
When there is too much acid, the body will have to provide bases to “buffer” them. He will only find it in small quantities in the blood, because the pH of the blood can only be modified very little. Therefore, he will have to look for it elsewhere, in the tissues of the organs. If this action occurs only from time to time, there will be no damage, on the other hand if it occurs chronically, the tissues will find themselves demineralized. The consequences may be more or less serious depending on the degree of demineralization and therefore of acidification.
Elimination by emunctories
This is the second solution that the body has to eliminate acids. An emunctory is an organ responsible for elimination. The lungs will be able to eliminate weak or volatile acids, in gaseous form, with each exhalation. Strong acids will be eliminated by the kidneys, but not beyond a certain amount on a daily basis.
The liver also plays an important role in the acid-base balance, it is in particular in charge of bile acids, provided that there is no liver problem. Finally, the skin is essential for eliminating acids thanks to its sweat glands.
How to avoid acidification of the body?
- By increasing the consumption of alkalizing foodss and decreasing acidifying foods. The main alkalizing foods are vegetables and aromatic herbs, potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes and chestnuts, bananas, avocados, almonds, good first cold-pressed oils. The main acidifying foods are proteins, cereals and refined foods, sugar, saturated fats, legumes, coffee, nuts except almonds.
- You can also supplement with basic minerals.
- It is essential to learn how to manage stress, indeed the stress is very acidifying. Limit any acidic intake such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol and tea. Be careful, the drugs are acidifying.
- Exercise in a balanced way because too much sport is acidifying as a sedentary lifestyle is too.
Thanks to Laurence Guillon, Naturopath contributor at Therapistsmagazine.com
Read also :
- Acid-base diet: the best menus
- The alkaline method: is it for me?
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