The expiration date of water
Good question! In this section PlusOnline goes in search of answers to nagging questions. This time: how long can you store water?
It is sometimes said that you would absolutely not be able to drink water that had been standing for a day, while the date on a purchased bottle of water can sometimes be up to a year after purchase. That is quite confusing, but there is an explanation.
Water from a bottle
Water does not contain any substances that could spoil it, so it will keep for a long time in an unopened bottle. If you open this bottle, bacteria can be added from saliva, for example. In such a case, you cannot keep it refrigerated for more than a week. It Nutrition center recommends storing water outdoors for up to three days or in the refrigerator for three to seven days.
Tap water
The same advice applies to water from the tap. You can keep it refrigerated for a few days, but because water can be easily obtained from the tap in the Netherlands, this is not really necessary. Do you always fill your bottle with tap water? Make sure you change the bottle regularly with water and dishwashing liquid to prevent harmful bacterial growth.
A day in the car
And a bottle of lukewarm water that has been sitting in a sweltering car for a day? You better refresh it. Bacteria love a warm environment and multiply there quickly and willingly. If there is a harmful bacteria in your water, it may be that the water has gone bad. This can be very dangerous for people with weakened immune systems and the elderly. It is therefore also advised to simply take your bottle out of your car. This is how you get the recommended two liters of water!
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