Since the affair of the new generation pills, the health authorities wish to raise awareness of the various contraceptive methods. A look back at recent developments in contraception
A few months after the affair of the 3rd and 4th generation contraceptive pills, the health authorities launched, this Wednesday, May 15, a communication campaign around contraception. Its goal is to promote the diversity of the contraceptive offer and to remind people of the importance of a contraceptive in line with their lifestyle. why-doctor takes stock of contraception in France since the pill affair.
45% of women on contraceptives now use a contraceptive pill, it remains the most widely used method of contraception in France. However, use is declining because the survey Fruitful, carried out in 2010 by Inserm and INED gave the figure of 50% of pill users among women on contraception. A decrease mainly due to a slight decrease in its use since the beginning of the 2000s (-4.6%), but above all linked to the case of 3rd and 4th generation pills which significantly accelerated this decrease.
59% of women aged 15-17 use the condom as a contraceptive method, sometimes in combination with the pill (in 15% of cases). The proportion declines with age.
+ 28% this is the real boom experienced by the use of IUDs and implants in March 2013 compared to March 2012. It is used today by 21% of women, but its use remains in reality reserved for the oldest (45- 49 years old) and those who have already had children.
–37% for sales of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) of 3th and 4th generations in March 2013 compared to March 2012. The decline is confirmed at the start of the year.
+ 22% this is the significant increase in the sale of 1st and 2nd pillsth generations in March 2013 compared to March 2012. The Medicines Safety Agency, which recommends that doctors prescribe these pills as a first-line treatment, therefore seems to be well listened to by professionals.
35,000 it is the number of women sterilized in 2011. A choice which concerns only 3.9% of women. And with 2,500 male sterilizations, this act also remains low in men. This choice only concerns 0.3% of them today.
3% women without a contraceptive method and who do not want to get pregnant remain a small minority (5.1% of 45-49 year olds and only 0.9 of 15-17 year olds)