Vacuuming, doing the laundry: housework are still more carried out by women than men. the sharing of household chores is still a dream cherished by many women. Even if overall there has been better since the 70s, as evidenced byINSEE survey, published in the review “Economy and statistics”. This retraces the evolution in terms of domestic and parental time since the 1970s.
The study points out that men still spend more time on household activities. Between 1974 and 2010, the share of men in domestic work increased from 27% to 39%. At the same time, this greater investment by men in domestic life has been accompanied by an increase in professional time for women: from 34% to 40% at work.
Can do better
“The time devoted to cleaning and tidying up remained stable over the period with a timid transfer from women to men, of the order of three quarters of an hour per week”, specifies the INSEE study.
For example, women spend less time washing dishes (less than 3 hours per week) and cooking (less than 2 hours per week). An improvement due to better household electrical equipment but also to the fact that men are a little more hands-on, “the time that men devote to these two activities being slightly increased over this same period”, underlines the INSEE .
But overall, women spend a little more than 3 hours per day on average in 2010 doing household chores compared to 1h45 for men. Proof that in politics as at home, parity and perfect equality between men and women is still a myth.
>> To read also: Cleaning makes men happier
I protect my health, even while cleaning