According to iFRAP, the podium of bad students in terms of absenteeism at the hospital is made up of the CHRU of Lille, Rouen and Amiens. First in the class, the Limoges University Hospital.
While hospital absenteeism has been skyrocketing for five years, which establishments are most affected? This is the question answered for the first time by the IFRAP Foundation (1) who presented, a few days ago, the classification of absenteeism in French hospitals. Following the analysis of social reports of university hospitals for the year 2013, this think tank is able to reveal the podium of “bad” students in this area.
Number one on this list, the Lille CHRU with 30.99 days for all causes. Follow the University Hospital of Rouen (30.94 days all causes) and the University Hospital of Amiens (29.37 days all causes).
The “good” students’ podium is made up of the CHU de Limoges (21.35 days for all causes), the CHU of Caen (21.69 days for all causes) and the CHU of Nîmes (22.49 days for all causes) .
Same private / public figures
And for those who already have stereotypes about civil servants in mind, know that they should not be. The iFRAP notes that there is “no difference in absenteeism for all causes” between the public hospital (24.4 days) and private clinics (26.27 days).
To explain these figures, the think tank indicate to note a strong feminization with regard to the medical staff, “which results in absenteeism for maternity leave”. In figures, 20% of absenteeism is linked to parenthood, which is explained by 73% of female staff. A phenomenon all the more visible in the public hospital where the doctors are employed.
A feminization of the profession
Finally, iFRAP notes an aging of the nursing population (nurses, hospital service workers, etc.) which leads to an increase in absenteeism for Long Sick Leave / Long Term Leave and Accident at Work / Occupational Illness. “These phenomena are found in both public and private hospitalization,” writes iFRAP. This absenteeism outside parenthood represents 30% of absences.
(1) Think Tank dedicated to the analysis of public policies, laboratory of innovative ideas.
In its work, iFRAP recalls that it is necessary to wait for the opinion of the departmental medical committee so that a professional can resume work after an absence of more than six months, a long-term illness or a long illness. .
“However, these committees being overwhelmed, their timeframes for examining individual situations are extremely long, which further delays the resumption of work, even when the agent, his doctor and the occupational doctor are in favor.”
For these experts, it is therefore urgent to review this mechanism which increases the length of absence even when the agents are fit for work.
In addition, iFRAP considers that it is essential to revisit the elimination of the waiting day, stressing that “the Hospital Federation of France (FHF) protested in its time against the withdrawal of this measure which in one year had saved nearly 90 million euros ”.
Lille, Rouen and Amiens in the top three …
Posted by Why actor on Monday February 15th, 2016