The HAS publishes today on the portal the results of the satisfaction survey that it conducted with more than 56,000 patients hospitalized for more than 48 hours in medicine, surgery and obstetrics (MCO).
Patients express their greatest satisfaction for two things: their care by caregivers and pain management. “They feel listened to by health professionals (83.5% of patients) who answer their questions (87% of them) and feel supported by nurses and caregivers (77%)” underlines the HAS. “The management of their pain is also a point of satisfaction: 87% of those who felt it were satisfied with the way it was taken care of”.
A good result which also appears in the other indicators of the HAS: the assessment of pain improved again this year and reached 86% in obstetric surgery medicine (OLS) and up to 89% in follow-up and rehabilitation care. .
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More than 9 out of 10 patients consider that confidentiality and professional secrecy have been respected in a good or excellent way. But they believe that progress remains to be made to involve them in their care: if only 1 in 2 patients expressed their wish to participate in the medical decision, only 7 in 10 say they have been able to do so often or always.
Organization of the outing: could do better
The organization of the discharge from hospital is a strategic step in hospitalization: it is the moment when everything must be done to ensure that patients continue to receive the appropriate care upon their return home or during their transfer to another establishment. One in four patients, however, say they are dissatisfied with the organization of their discharge.
For example, in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, only 1 in 4 patients leave with a letter of end of hospitalization (liaison letter), and this is in the majority of cases insufficiently documented to ensure continuity of care. While in psychiatric establishments, a letter is given to the patient upon discharge or sent to his doctor within 8 days in only one in two cases.
“By topic, the national level of patient satisfaction is good for patient care (score of 80.7 out of 100), average for reception (score of 72.7 out of 100), and insufficient for the organization of going out (62.6 out of 100) and room and meals (66.7 out of 100). All themes combined, the establishments’ satisfaction score is 72.7 out of 100, which is an acceptable score “ insists HAS.
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