Coming from traditional Hawaiian culture, Hooponopono is a simple ancestral method that helps us change our outlook on things and events. She uses a formula, to be spoken out loud or in her head, based on four words: Sorry, Sorry, Thank you and I love you. It is initially a ritual of forgiveness and reconciliation to find peace in oneself.
In the ancestral Hawaiian tradition, Hooponopono (or Ho’oponopono) is the combination of two terms: “Ho’o” which means ” start an action » and « Pono » which means « goodness, integrity, morality“. The expression can be translated as ” find balance within and be willing to forgive“.
The principles of Hooponopono for personal well-being
According to the basic principles of this approach, everyone is responsible for their own life, his actions and his inner peace. Unstoppable conclusion: it is better to manage yourself than to try to change others, to play the victim or to modify situations.
Ho’oponopono offers a very simple formula in four words: ” Sorry. Sorry. Thanks. I like you. Thus, faced with a conflict, a difficult situation or a negative thought, each of us is independent and responsible. By pronouncing the formula aloud or in your head, you take a certain distance from what is happening and we learn to let go.
This approach allows us to free ourselves from the emotions that condition our reactions and behaviors. As many of us find it difficult to express their emotions, to identify them and to evacuate them, they end up accumulating. Ho’oponopono allows us to detach ourselves from this pile of emotions buried in us.
The practice helps to refocus on oneself and to place less importance on the outside. It encourages you to find serenity and to take the time to listen to your heart rather than reacting strongly and launching into reproaches, accusations or negative actions. Originally, the Hooponopono was a forgiveness and reconciliation ritual to help find peace within oneself and pacify relationships within the community.
Observe the operating instructions!
Here is what each of four magic words of the Hooponopono means and what it will bring when reciting the formula.
You recognize the situation that is happening to you. You notice it, observe it and accept it. Then you tell what caused your shame, your guilt, your regrets, your remorse, without ignoring anything. You accept your feelings without holding back, then you say: Sorry.”
You forgive yourself, others, and even the Universe for inflicting this conflict on you. Forgiveness brings liberation both for the one who gives it and for the one who receives it. You don’t accuse, you decide to forgive.
Forgiveness makes it possible to unblock the situation and to take responsibility for what happens. Reflect with sincerity on the harms you have caused or that you have caused to yourself, on the negative consequences that you could not prevent. Then, when you are ready, say; ” sorry. »
You make sense of the situation by finding what it taught you and what it allowed you to discover in yourself. Be grateful because gratitude helps initiate positive change. Think about what lessons you may have learned from this experience and say: Thanks. »
I like you
You reconnect with love instead of locking yourself into negative emotions and resentment. It is difficult to accept oneself with one’s weaknesses and limits, one’s faults and one’s mistakes. Yet we all deserve to be kind to ourselves, this will allow us to be more tolerant and more lucid with others, and to behave better with them. Look at yourself in the mirror, take the time it takes, and then say, ” I like you.”
The beneficial effects of Ho’oponopono
Regular practice of Ho’oponopono will help you better manage conflicts, relieve tension, reduce your stress level and put your life in order. You will learn to get rid of negative ideas to direct your mind to positive thoughts. With this Mindfulness exercise, you will dissipate the disturbances that block you and restore harmony in your life.
This practice which should not be confused with meditation, is also a way to reconcile with yourself and achieve inner peace.
By accepting it as an experience that goes through you, you will give yourself the means to grow and evolve, to initiate thoughts and actions that will change the situation.