Before finding ways to eradicate it, it is first necessary to identify the type of grease installed. Because there are two. The first is subcutaneous fat. Visible to the naked eye, it does not give rise to any concern. The 2nd is the so-called visceral fat, which is more problematic. It results from too frequent secretion of insulin. This hormone is produced by our body when the blood contains too much sugar. It turns it into fat. A fat that will nestle in the belly. It surrounds the organs (liver, stomach, intestines.) Scientific studies show that it tends to promote diabetes or cardiovascular disease among others. For this reason, it is important to be concerned about it.
How to calculate your waist-hip ratio?
There is a benchmark to evaluate it: the waist-hip ratio. Simply measure your waist circumference at the level of the navel, which is divided by your hip circumference.. The World Health Organization recommends a figure no higher than 0.85 for women and 0.9 for men. Beyond these figures, we must act.
Contrary to what one might imagine, the intensive practice of abs is not the ideal solution. “We always recommend half an hour of walking or 7,000 steps a day. It’s good, but insufficient, if you want to hunt belly fat. Ideally, you would have to walk no less than two hours a day, and every day without exception, to see your little brioche melt! says Corinne Fernandez dietitian nutritionist. And of course, watch your plate. So what are the good reflexes? Our answers.