April 23, 2018
One in two private clinics abuses the state of their patients’ health. It invoices them for administrative missions for which it is already paid by Social Security.
Dishonest private clinics
Private clinics hospitalize nearly 5.5 million people each year. When they leave, 50% of these patients pay abusive bills. A drift of private clinics which would represent up to € 50,000 surplus per year and per establishment according to a report from the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF).
Abusive invoicing is often disguised in the form of administrative lump sums. Patients are asked to pay for updating their Vitale card or contacting the mutual insurance company, even though these are benefits covered by Social Security.
Illegal overbilling
This is not the first time that abuse has been observed in private clinics. Our colleagues from Figaro reveal thatin 2012, patient associations were already sounding the alarm about this illegal behavior.
The DGCCRF has ordered private clinics to immediately stop this behavior which penalizes millions of sick people every year. The Ministry of Health should also pay increased vigilance to the 1,000 or so private clinics present in France.
Flore Desbois
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