After losing pounds, you have noticed that you no longer have your period. Two specialists explain the link between weight and menstruation.
- The production of the gonadotropin release hormone, which triggers ovulation, depends on estrogen levels and the amount of energy available, two factors closely linked to weight.
- When a person loses weight suddenly or presents weight insufficiency, their body lacks energy and thus favors its conservation, by stopping reproduction.
- The cessation of ovulation, and therefore of the rules, can also arise in case of overweight, where the high rate of body fat can increase estrogen levels.
In the life of a woman, he may happen to him not to have his period. This is for example the case during pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. However, some women note a so -called “secondary” amenorrhea after weight loss, the maintenance of which is essential for the regularity of menstruation, according to Mia Schaumberg, professor of physiology at the University of Sunshine Coast (Australia), and Laura Pernoud, doctoral student in women’s health in the same establishment. In a publication of The Conversationthey mentioned the association between weight and rules.
Hormones: estrogen levels and the amount of energy are closely linked to weight
First, specialists returned to the role of hormones. “The menstrual cycle, including bleeding and ovulation, is regulated by a balance between hormones, in particular estrogen. The ovaries are bound to the brain by a hormonal signaling system. This system acts as a kind of ‘chain of command’ of hormones controlling the menstrual cycle. The brain produces a key hormone, called Gonadotrophins, in the hypothalamus. However, the production of the gonadodrophin liberation hormone depends on estrogen levels and the amount of energy available to the body, two factors that are closely linked to body weight. As a reminder, estrogens are mainly produced by ovaries, but fat cells also produce them. This is why weight, and more particularly body fat, can affect menstruation.
Weight loss, weight insufficiency: when the reserves are low, the body stops reproduction
In the event of sudden weight loss or weight insufficiency, that is to say a lack of energy available to ensure reproduction, the body gives priority to energy conservation. Thus, it stops everything that is not essential, such as reproduction. This can also happen in people who practice intense physical exercise. “Stress puts the hypothalamus in survival mode. Consequently, the body reduces its production of important hormones for ovulation, including estrogens, and stops menstruation”explained the experts.
A secondary amenorrhea can also occur in case of overweight. “Your body stores additional energy in adipose cells, which produce estrogens and other hormones and can cause inflammation in the body. Therefore, if you have a lot of fat cells, your body produces an excess of these hormones. This can affect the normal functioning of the uterine lining and disturbing the retro -action system and stopping ovulation” they added.
Another cause of absence of rules: polycystic ovary syndrome (SOPK). Due to higher levels of testosterone, the women concerned can gain weight or have trouble losing it because they have a hormonal imbalance. In this case, weight variations, which can stop ovulation, are linked to hormonal balances.
Lack of rules: when should you worry?
If slight changes in the date or duration of the rules and a secondary amenorrhea are not always worrying, a chronic lack of energy can become so if it is not taken seriously and in charge. “In the event of weight insufficiency, estrogen levels are particularly low and can cause potentially serious risks to health, in particular infertility and bone loss.” Thus, in the event of modifications in the flow, the regularity or the pain of menstruation, it is advisable to speak to a doctor.