The health data of 112,000 police officers and their relatives has leaked onto the Internet. A malicious act is at the origin of this leak.
Like an air of revenge among the ranks of the municipal police. A massive health data leak emanating from the Mutualité générale de la police was detected. Information concerning some 112,000 police officers and their relatives has been exposed on the Internet. At the origin of this blunder: an employee of a sub-contracting company of the mutual insurance company, who would have acted out of a spirit of reprisal.
The facts, reported by RTL, took place at the beginning of June. An employee of an agency located in Limoges decided to copy the membership file and upload them to the Google “cloud”.
Data security
On this personal data storage platform, a simple password is enough to save documents, then access them anywhere. If this data is not directly accessible, it is particularly vulnerable on this medium.
The man is said to have acted following a professional dispute; in fact, he had initiated proceedings against his employer at the Prud’hommes for the non-payment of a bonus.
The police are rather serene in the face of the event and urge not to get carried away. However, it should be noted that Mutualité took more than three weeks to realize the leak. Questions emerge about the security surrounding this data.
An investigation for “misappropriation of sensitive data” was opened on June 23 after the filing of a complaint by the president of the mutual fund at the Toulouse police station.