This new site, comes in addition to which brings together information of an administrative nature, support or even reimbursement.
The objective of the new site, ameli-santé, is to inform you about health insurance prevention offers, to advise you and to help you better manage their health.
The ameli-santé site revolves around 16 health themes, from angina to lead poisoning and cardiovascular risk.
Health Insurance has chosen to give priority to one entry per health theme.
By clicking on a theme, you access a set of information to better understand its pathology and manage it on a daily basis:
– description of the pathology (or health theme),
– possible symptoms and complications,
– the prevention offer offered by Health Insurance.
For each health theme, interactive tools (videos, quizzes, etc.) allow Internet users to test their knowledge and obtain information.
To make it easier to find a healthcare professional near you, the site offers direct access to the ameli-direct service. For example, for dental caries, you can find a dental surgeon directly, find out the frequently charged rates by indicating his city in the box provided for this purpose.
For more personalized information, a filter by age and gender provides direct access to the various health insurance prevention offers.
For example, a 50-year-old woman may be offered breast cancer screening; a 40-year-old man, information on the prevention of cardiovascular risks; a teenager (or a parent who has specified the age of their child) information on MT’Dents appointments.