Even if it is important to reveal yourself, keeping a little mystery allows you to cultivate the desire to seduce and to discover your partner.
Of course, communication is essential for the proper functioning of the couple. Sometimes you want to express yourself freely on all subjects, but your partner is not always ready to hear everything. Is saying everything to yourself always a good idea?
Transparency is no guarantee of love
The feeling of security within the couple can sometimes give free rein to the expression of all their thoughts, their fantasies, or their past. We sometimes imagine that by confiding in everything to our partner, we guarantee true love, in all transparency. However, without this distance and this modesty, each one begins to want to take the place of the other and may in the long run lead the couple to break up.
Find the right distance
We all have a secret garden that allows us to keep thoughts to ourselves that may be too disturbing, perverse, immoral, negative, or even aggressive. By exposing them to your spouse, you risk both being exposed without defense, but above all, forcing him to do the same.
However, not sharing anything of oneself can be interpreted as a lack of feeling and affection. Finding the right distance between what you can say and keep to yourself allows you to confide while respecting what the other can hear.
Expressing their emotions, their satisfaction or their desires is essential within the couple. Finding the right line between what can be shared and what should remain hidden is not always easy. However, taking the time to think before expressing yourself, while showing empathy for your partner, allows you to find lasting harmony together.