For the first time since the start of its circulation in 2022, a human death was caused by H3N8 avian flu alerts the WHO in a report published on April 11, 2023. The victim is a 56-year-old woman from Guangdong province. Her illness appeared on February 22 and died on March 16 after being hospitalized with severe pneumonia.
Is the risk of spread high? Previously considered more likely to be transmitted to horses, dogs and sea lions, the H3N8 virus had not been detected in humans until April and May 2022, when the first two non-fatal cases have been listed. According to the WHO, this third human case had “multiple predispositions“including a history of exposure to live poultry and the presence of wild birds around his home.”The exact source of this infection remains to be determined, as well as the link between this virus and the other avian influenza type A (H3N8) circulating in the animal environment.“.
Nevertheless”none of the close contacts of this case had developed an infection or symptoms of the disease at the time of writing this report”, indicates the WHO, which wants to be reassuring when at the risk of spread. “The available epidemiological and virological information suggests that the avian influenza A(H3N8) viruses do not have the capacity for long-term transmission between humans. Therefore, the current assessment is that the probability of human-to-human spread is low.”
What advice from the WHO to limit the risks?
To minimize the risk of transmission to humans, the world organization advises raising public awareness of “the importance of avoiding contact with high-risk environments such as live animal markets/farms, live poultry or surfaces that may be contaminated with excreta poultry or bird feed”.
The organization recalls in particular the good hygiene measuresincluding washing hands frequently using alcohol-based hand sanitizer and wearing a mask in high-risk areas.
If she does not recommend the restriction of movements and trips at this stage, she nevertheless underlines the need to monitor the virus carefully, because of its permanent mutations.
Source :
- Avian Influenza A(H3N8) – China, World Health Organization, April 11, 2023