Imagine wearing an anti-pollution mask on a treadmill. The idea is ready to smile. Yet the conclusions of a new study are enough to make the most athletic among us cough. Researchers from the University of Lisbon in Portugal and the University of Delft in Holland analyzed the air quality of eleven gyms different in Lisbon.
Verdict: it seems more reasonable to exercise outside than to lock oneself in the warmth in a room where the ambient air is loaded with toxins. Different levels of gases were recorded: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and ozone. To this not very famous cocktail were added the high concentrations of dust particles, chemicals from household products, as well as paint and in particular formaldehyde.
These pollutants were measured over a month of room attendance at peak hours (after work). The levels noted by the researchers were found to be higher than the indoor air quality standards. The amount of CO2 released was particularly high when athletes were in full effort and sweating. However, this overexposure can be a source of fatigue, confused thoughts and dizziness, the study points out.
“When we play sports, the physical effort makes us breathe in and out more air. The pollutants then penetrate deeper into our lungs compared to situations where the body is at rest,” explains Carla Ramos, author of the study.
Rest assured these pollutant levels remain at a level low enough not to endanger our health. Too bad for those who saw it as a good excuse to avoid indoor sport ! However, the study does advise making sure that the club where you exercise is well ventilated.