April 16, 2010 – Gender: the exhibition that says it all! is a journey that brings together 100 answers to the sexual concerns of adolescents. A section is reserved for behaviors, contraception and health related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The event is presented at the Montreal Science Center.
Scientific information is at the heart of the content, which dissects subjects as immodest as they are inevitable such as penile size, the effect of drugs on sexual pleasure or the best possible protections against STIs, their treatment and how to do it. inform his partner.

Jocelyne robert
“The messages are reassuring and have nothing to do with the current context, dominated by prejudices, disinformation associated with pedophile scandals and pornography”, explains the sexologist, spokesperson and member of the scientific committee of the exhibition, Jocelyne Robert. This committee was created specifically for the development of the content of the exhibition. It brings together doctors, public health specialists, educational science experts and sexologists.
A timely event, explains Dr Marc Steben, attached to the National Scientific Research Institute of Quebec (INSPQ) and member of the scientific committee of the exhibition. Since 1997, STIs have been on the rise because with the arrival of triple therapy, we no longer die of AIDS, he emphasizes. This scientific and medical progress has also induced a false sense of security which would explain the increasing incidence.
Sexual behaviors have also evolved, such as anonymous dating over the Internet, extreme sex, swinging or multiple partners, he continues. “A cocktail made from ecstasy, cocaine and viagra called“ triple therapy ”is commonly used in rave parties to remove inhibitions and stimulate sensations. These trends contribute to risky behavior. “
I wish parents would discreetly slip an admission ticket to this exhibit into their teens’ wallets, just like they would a condom, says Dr Marc Steben specialist. “It is a form of indirect communication between young people and their parents which allows to know the facts and the truth concerning the health and the sexual behaviors of the teenagers other than by the angle of morality, pornography or disease. . “
Danny Raymond – HealthPassport.net
1. The exhibition is recommended for ages 12 and over and is presented at the Montreal Science Center until March 6, 2011. For more information: www.centredessciencesdemontreal.com.