A news study published by eLife proved that processed productsrich in fat, owe their popularity to molecule naturally present in the structure of foods.
According to researchers at the Buck Institute for Research Aging based in Novato, California, these chemicals, found in cooked and processed foods, can increase hunger.
The bad news is that they were also associated with several age-related diseasesincluding diabetes, insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease.
“The brown color that appears during cooking […]this is the result of the EGMs »
We are actually talking aboutAGE : molecules called advanced glycation end products. “They form when sugars combine with proteins and fats during cooking, frying, grilling and grilling. A large body of evidence suggests that foods high in EFAs increase dietary intake in humans “, declared Pankaj Kapaji, professor at the Buck Institute and lead author of the article, to our American colleagues at Newsweek.
He adds : ” The use of AGEs to create addictive flavors is very popular in the food industry and is unregulated “.
“ There brown color that appears during cooking, which makes food look and smell delicious, is the result of AGEs », added Muniesh Muthaiyan Shanmugam, postdoctoral researcher in the Kapahi laboratory at Buck Intsitute.
AGEs increase hunger and age-related diseases
One of the criticisms made of AGEs: they would increase hunger. In this latest study, scientists observed how an accumulation of AGEs in tiny worms affected behavior. And, even in these tiny worms, high concentrations of these molecules can lead to increased food consumption and foraging behaviors, as well as neurodegeneration.
Another criticism: AGEs have been associated with several age-related diseases, including type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease. It is important to note that AGEs also increase inflammation and accelerate aging.
“ Our study highlights that accumulation of AGEs is involved in diseases including obesity and neurodegenerationsaid Pankaj Kapahi. We believe that, overall, limiting the accumulation of AGEs is relevant to combating the global increase in obesity and other age-associated diseases. “.
The best thing to do to limit AGEs? Adapt the cooking method. “ Foods cooked with dry heat, such as barbecuethe oven or the toast, generate more AGE […] than steamed or boiled foods. In general, plant-based foods have lower EFAs if they are not overcooked », argue the scientists.