October 19, 2016.
According to Irsan, the Institute for the surveillance of influenza and gastroenteritis epidemics, which is based on data provided by SOS Médecins, the week of October 10 to 16, 225,000 cases of gastroenteritis were identified.
The epidemic threshold exceeded in several regions
It was not necessary to wait until January for gastroenteritis to land on the territory. From 10 to 16 October, it affected 225,000 French people, according to Irsan who considers that ” this incidence of gastroenteritis is abnormally high for this period of the year “. And this is not about to stop since the activity of the virus ” is increasing », According to Irsan.
Among the most affected regions is Île-de-France with an incidence rate of 467 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Grand-Est (424 cases), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (359 cases), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (343 cases) and Center Val-de-loire (334 cases). We can therefore speak of the return of the epidemic since the epidemic threshold is set at 249 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
Increased consultations for gastroenteritis
These data are confirmed by the Public Health France site which indicates that “ consultations for gastroenteritis and vomiting are on the rise in children under 15 in levels higher than those of the two previous years “. And in children, the disease should be taken particularly seriously because the risk of dehydration is significant.
To avoid getting gastroenteritis, remember to wash your hands regularly with soapThis includes getting out of the bathroom, after a trip on public transport, after changing your child’s diaper and before eating. If you should be sick, consider drinking water and eating starchy foods. Symptoms never last more than three or four days.
Read also: Gastroenteritis: the symptoms, how to avoid it and treat it