To avoid bloating and gas, here are the best foods.
- In gastroenterology, bowel function disorders are the most common reason for consultation.
- Limiting meals that are too large, too fatty, spicy dishes, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee or even tobacco and chewing gum, generally helps reduce bloating.
- If symptoms persist, it may be necessary to follow a low carbohydrate diet.
Almost everyone has felt bloated at some point. This symptom, which is not serious, is due to an accumulation of gas in the intestines. This bloating can be caused by food, stress, taking certain medications or even an illness. “dietary recommendations are often sufficient to improve the discomfort caused by the symptoms”, explain the French National Society of Gastroenterology. “We speak of bloating of functional origin when this symptom dates back at least six months and no cause is found.“, notes the SNFGE.
A change in diet to avoid flatulence
The SNFGE recommends dietary measures to reduce the risks. It is necessary to limit meals that are too large and too fatty. Spicy dishes are also to be avoided. Alcohol, soft drinks and coffee should be avoided, as should tobacco and chewing gum.
And if symptoms persist, these health experts recommend trying a diet low in FODMAPs, for Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols: these are the “carbohydrates from the diet which, in some people, are not completely absorbed in the small intestine. They can then lead to the production of gas causing intestinal pain, flatulence or bloating.“. This diet requires reducing the consumption of foods rich in FODMAPS: dairy products, wheat, barley, rye, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, dried fruits, apples, watermelons, mangoes, sugars (honey, table sugar , maple syrup), sweets and processed foods.
These foods that help relieve bloating
On the contrary, certain foods can help prevent bloating.
Dairy products can aid digestion, provided they are fermented: all fermented milks such as buttermilk, kefir and labneh are beneficial. They contain natural probiotics, or micro-organisms, which support the health of the intestinal flora. As for drinks, infusions or herbal teas with peppermint, based on leaves or diluted essential oil, are also recommended. Other plants can also help alleviate these symptoms, as reminded by the Vidal : fennel, green anise, dill, caraway, coriander and cumin are regularly used to combat bloating and gas.
In addition, food supplements based on vegetable charcoal are often recommended to patients, as they help to fix gas, thus reducing symptoms. However, charcoal can interfere with the absorption of certain medications, so consult a doctor before consumption.
Finally, it is also possible to reduce bloating by the way you eat: it is recommended to take the time to chew your food well in order to avoid swallowing air.