Waiting for 40 to exercise is enough to maintain his heart, says a study from University College London. No need to run or become addicted to the gym, “calm” activities of moderate intensity such as gardening, crafts, biking or cycling. fast walk do the trick, say the researchers.
The only constraint: to be relatively diligent. Indeed, these activities would protect our heart as long as we practice them for 2h30 per week, according to the study.
Lack of physical activity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease but also forhypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and certain respiratory conditions.
The British experience, detailed in the review Circulation, was based on 4,200 volunteers followed for eleven years. Their average age at the start of the study was 49 years.
The volunteers who did 2.5 hours of weekly exercise exhibited fewer markers of inflammation than those who did little or no exercise at all. “These markers of inflammation are important because they are a key to the mechanism that links physical activity to a lower risk of heart disease,” says Dr. Hamer, author of the study, cited by TheTelegraph.
Morality, even if you were not athletic in your youth, it is not too late to change your lifestyle and start exercising around the age of forty-fifty. “It is important for older people to be physically active because it helps them age well “, continues Dr Hamer.
In a recent survey, 81% of French people over 50 consider that the family and the fact of see his grandchildrenare the best recipe, ahead of sport, for healthy aging.
>> To read also: City walks: 5 reasons to practice sport while cultivating yourself
>> To read also: Lack of exercise makes us less efficient