July 15, 2003 – Fructose intolerance could be the cause of several gastrointestinal problems, including gas, diarrhea, bloating and pain.
US researchers studied 183 patients with unexplainable digestive symptoms, but never diagnosed with gastrointestinal disease1. After drinking a solution containing fructose, 75% of the subjects suffered from various digestive problems. In addition, the researchers found that 90% of their subjects’ breath contained a high concentration of hydrogen, a sign that fructose was poorly absorbed by the body.
In people with intolerance, fructose, rather than being absorbed in the small intestine, travels to the colon where bacteria ferment it. This process generates gases, including hydrogen and methane, which causes gas, pain and diarrhea.
Less known than lactose intolerance, the problem of fructose intolerance is much more widespread than we think.
The popularity of the Montignac diet has also helped to highlight the problem, since Michel Montignac advocates the use of fructose instead of sugar because of its low glycemic index.
The situation is made even more complex by the omnipresence of fructose in food. Some fruits like apples, pears, peaches and oranges contain it naturally, but it is also found in maple syrup, honey and in corn syrup which is used to sweeten juices, soft drinks, treats and other foods.
Jean-Benoit Legault – PasseportSanté.net
According to WebMD; July 14, 2003.
1. Choi YK, Johlin FC Jr, Summers RW, Jackson M, Rao SS. Fructose intolerance: an under-recognized problem.Am J Gastroenterol 2003 Jun; 98 (6): 1348-53. [Consulté le 15 juillet 2003].