Free download – The Guides Axiom – An extremely mysterious puzzle game

The Guides Axiom - An extremely mysterious puzzle game

When you look at a baby, you mainly see an empty look. ‘Where am I?’, it seems to say – but even that goes too far, because those concepts do not yet exist for the fresh human being. Like a baby is pretty much how you feel when you first start up The Guides Axiom, a puzzle game with no explanation or all the instruction you could possibly need – it just depends on how you look at it. ‘Hmm, if I were to rattle that thing over there, what would happen?’ is the attitude with which you should approach the game and at the same time the game also offers you ‘that thing’ inviting. So… let’s puzzle!

Download for iOS and android

Click the link above to download for free
The Guides Axiom – An extremely mysterious puzzle game

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