Free download – Roof Rails – Conquer the track with a stick

Free download – 
    Roof Rails – Conquer the track with a stick

Tightrope walkers walk on a cable, but in Roof Rails you hang on to it, and not on one but two. Here’s the thing: for reasons that are unclear, you run over the roofs of tall buildings. You start your journey with a short stick, which grows as you pick up bits of wood along the way. Unfortunately, along the way you will also encounter circular saws and other inconveniences that shorten the stick again. However, it is important to keep the pole as long as possible, because some parts of the course consist of parallel cables that you can only pass by hanging from the pole between them; a concept that makes for a really nice game of skill.

Roof Rails you can here download for iOS and here for android.

Click the link above to download for free
Roof Rails – Conquer the track with a stick

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