We often hear about foods that make you lose weight or others that make you fat in magazines or on the networks. But what does that mean? Will drinking a glass of soda necessarily make you fat and eating a cucumber without dressing will make you lose weight? Small reminders on the fundamentals of weight loss.
The energy balance
The only viable way to lose weight is to change your diet and/or physical activity, in other words to unbalance your overall energy balance. I try to help you achieve this in a non-stressful way, intelligently and above all over time, as this is essential.
The patience is the obligatory companion of any weight loss that is even slightly effective. Yours ours health depends on it.
A regime never improvise. You have to think about it, think about itI’adapt to his desires, carefully consider the variants before testing it, know when to undertake it and at what stage to interrupt it.
Going on a diet is a “little job”.
The real difficulty, those who have tried it know, is toget on a diet. The first few days, we are full of energy, we try to eat “foods that make you lose weight”.
The first two weeks we hold because the needle of the scale drops; the first month is reward by the admiring gaze of his family, his friends, his colleagues; and then… everything complicated (not always I reassure you!).
After two months, you want to crack; after three, you get tired; after six, we forgot. And, then or in parallel, it happens that we regain weight. The famous yo-yo effect, terrible.
Also, explaining what seriously monitored weight loss involves on a day-to-day basis, particularly in the choice and combination of foods (I’m coming to our subject), giving tricks and methods to motivate oneself, describe the stages of weight loss are data to be apprehended, even tamed.
All these steps must be mastered, adopted and made the most of.
Foods that make you lose weight?
A food alone does not make you lose weight in itself. Just as a food alone does not make you fat in itself. Making lose weight or gain weight it is not a food in particular but an imbalance in deficit or excess consumption on all of what you consume.
What are called foods that “make you lose weight” are foods that low caloric density. That is to say that at equal volume with another richer food, the energy intake will be lower.
These are the foods we favor while dieting in sufficient volumes to help you achieve satiety and to cover your nutritional needscombining them with foods that are sometimes richer in order to achieve the energy balance that suits you.
Conversely, we tend to cite in foods that make you fat: chocolate and cheese, pleasure foods par excellence, or even bread (and starches) and fats, excessively suppressed in diets that are too restrictive.
However, these fatty and/or sugary foods should not be totally eliminated because of their nutritional benefits and/or the pleasure with which they are associated.
In the know how to lose weight program, nothing is forbidden, but we teach you how to dose!
Varied and balanced meal plans
With the meal plans of the Cohen method, I very often hear feedback such as: “I eat more than before, and I’m losing weight!”. Or: “I didn’t think I would lose weight by eating so much…”.
And yet, in the meal plans that I suggest you eat everything and in case of deviation (festive meal, ice cream at the beach…), there are techniques for once again, find the balance.
Foods “that make you lose weight” therefore do not exist alone, they must be considered in an overall, varied and balanced diet, without forgetting the pleasure of eating!
This is the Cohen Method.
In the video that accompanies this article, the foods that I present allow all this. You will forgive the choice of the first, my baker had no more real wholemeal bread!