When it comes to care, you can’t say just anything. Website “www.fish-n-feet.fr“of the company Fish’n Feet paid the price by being called to order by the ANSM (the national security agency of the drug and health products). The “approved Fish spa” salon, as it is written on its website, had to remove an advertisement from its website that praised the virtues of the fish pedicure without any scientific element being added.
Some of the questionable arguments published and which have since been withdrawn included: “Garra releases an enzyme, diathranol, known to limit the spread of symptoms of certain diseases of skin; it frees the pores of your skin, to allow you to eliminate impurities and bacteria; the micro-suctions of the garra have a stimulating effect on your circulation “.
An argument that was not to the taste of ANSM, which ordered its ban, in a decision published in the Official Journal on Saturday, May 4.
The fish pedicure and the vagueness that surrounds the development of this practice in France has been in the crosshairs of the health authorities since the release of a denouncing report the risk of transmission of pathogens in fish tanks specializing in exfoliation of the feet.