Passive euthanasia consists of giving up treatment and interrupting food and artificial hydration to cause the death of the patient.
To the question “If one of your relatives finds himself in a state of coma or prolonged unconsciousness, do you think that you would rather ask for the end or the continuation of the care? », 78% of respondents say they are in favor of stopping treatment. 21% of them would choose to keep them alive and 1% of those questioned did not comment. And, the choice of euthanasia is higher among older people. In fact, 81% of those over 50 would opt for this option.
This new poll confirms the point of view of the French on this delicate subject. In June 2014, 89% of them declared in a BVA opinion poll that they were in favor of passing a law oneuthanasia authorized in a number of neighboring European countries.
the end of life report of the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) published in October 2014 also revealed that 90% of French people were in favor of euthanasia for people who request it and who suffer from incurable diseases. And that they were in favor of “deep sedation” and the use of palliative care before the end of life.
The position of the Order of Physicians
The National Council of the Order of Physicians (Cnom) recommends taking action by raising awareness of the Leonetti law (the 2005 law on the rights of patients and end of life) with healthcare professionals and patients. The Cnom believes that an evolution of the legislation on the end of life must be able to be considered in response to exceptional situations. He proposes “out of a duty of humanity”, the possibility of “terminal sedation” for patients in exceptional situations.
“Not to deliberately kill but to refrain from unreasonable obstinacy are ethical principles that have always been those of physicians from the beginning, and which largely predate the promulgation of current laws on the end of life. These principles are essential to guarantee the conditions necessary for the practice of medicine: patient confidence and respect for their dignity, ”recalls Michel Legmann, President of the National Council of the Order of Physicians, on this subject.
And you, are you in favor of a law on euthanasia? Come and discuss it on the forum.
Read also :
End of life: the French in favor of “deep sedation”
Assisted suicide: more and more patients choose it
2 in 3 French people die in hospital