To assess the immunization of the French against Covid-19, an epidemiology study, EpiCOV, was initiated by the government, Inserm and DRESS.
To help the government in its preparation for deconfinement, a large-scale survey is being carried out to determine the proportion of the population already infected with the virus and to guide government measures. This is carried out by the government, in conjunction with Inserm and the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. The objective is “to provide a global and scientifically reliable mapping of the immune status of the population and its dynamics, throughout the territory, via the collection of biological samples coupled with questionnaires”describes Inserm in a communicated.
Map the immune status of the population
The epidemiological study will begin on Thursday April 30 and will last until May 24. The first tests will begin on more than 200,000 participants, aged 15 or over, who will have to answer a 20 to 30-minute questionnaire and for 100,000 of them a few drops of their blood will be taken to determine whether had contact with the virus. The researchers will collect data allowing them to assess the proportion of the French population that has been affected by SARS-CoV-2 and assess the number of people immunized against Covid-19.
This will also make it possible to monitor epidemic dynamics in the short, medium and long term. “This project will shed light on the spatial, temporal, socio-demographic and family dimensions of the epidemic and containment measuresdeciphers the press release from Inserm. It aims to describe the frequency of symptoms of Covid-19, to feed the models of the evolution of immunity in the population, to provide estimates of the frequency of exposure to the virus including the asymptomatic forms providing transmission, and to assess changes in the health, well-being and behavior of people living in France.”
Second wave of harvest in June 2020
Thanks to the results, scientists will be able to map the immune status of the population on French territory. They will also be able to know the number of individuals who have contracted Covid-19 and those who have not developed it. This first wave of harvests will be followed by a second from June 2020.”This operation may be repeated regularly to monitor the dynamics of the epidemic and the evolution of health and social conditions in the country, in all territories, all age groups, all major social groups.added the Ministry of Health.