Started on March 18 after attacks against staff at Saint-Antoine hospital (75), the Emergency Department strike is not running out of steam: if 101 emergency departments were on strike on June 11, 2019, they were 111 on June 14, 130 on June 19 and 213 (out of 600) this Thursday, August 1, 2019.
Visiting Verneuil-sur-Seine (78), Agnès Buzyn recognized “a persistent crisis”: “tailor-made solutions will have to be found in the region. (…) There is a need to rethink the organization health systems “. The Minister of Health added: “from one site to another, in fact, the problems are different. And therefore, there is not a single solution which would adapt to all the emergency services of France “.
Less than 400,000 places in the Emergency Department in 2017
The Reasons Of The Wrath ? Ever more difficult working conditions and ever more precarious reception conditions for patients: thus, according to figures from the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) published this Wednesday, July 3, the number of emergency room beds dropped drastically in 2017, falling for the first time below the threshold of 400,000 places. Attendance, on the contrary, continued to increase to reach 21.4 million passages over the year. That is an increase of 2.1% compared to 2016.
Since the start of the mobilization, the Inter-urgences collective has been calling for 10,000 additional nursing and nursing assistants’ posts, the stopping of the elimination of beds, as well as a premium of 300 euros net per month.
Read also :
Emergencies in crisis: how to improve the situation?
116 117, a new number to contact a doctor after the closing of the practices
Emergencies on strike: Agnès Buzyn announces 5 priority actions