Diacetyl and pentanedione-2,3, two compounds in e-liquids, are suspected of damaging the cilia of bronchial cells. In France, the use of diacetyl is prohibited by the majority of manufacturers.
About three million of French vapotent. Controversies erupt regularly on the dangers of the electronic cigarette since its invention in the 2000s. Harvard researchers have identified two chemicals – diacetyl and pentanedione – 2,3 – harmful to the health of the bronchi. Their results are published on Friday, February 1, in Scientific Reports.
popcorn worker disease
Diacetyl and pentanedione – 2,3 are flavors often present in the liquids of electronic cigarettes. In previous research, Havard researchers found them in 90% of the liquids tested (about fifty). These are not unknown products in the medical world: diacetyl is accused of being responsible for bronchiolitis obliterans or “popcorn worker’s disease”. This product is present in the popcorn manufacturing process, to give a buttery taste to the popped corn kernels.
Defective bronchial cilia
In this new study, scientists investigated the effects of diacetyl and pentanedione-2,3 on the epithelial cells that line the inner surface of the bronchi. These cells are covered with many cilia whose movements are coordinated between the cells to move the film of mucus that covers them up from the lung to the throat, like a treadmill.
The epithelial cells were exposed to these products for 24 hours. They found that these two substances could alter gene expression, as well as alter the production and function of bronchial cilia.
A product banned in France
In France, a non-binding standard prohibits the use of diacetyl in the manufacture of e-liquids, the majority of professionals refrain from using it, even if no law obliges them to do so. However, when the e-liquid is purchased on the internet, there is no guarantee that this product is free of compounds.
Before clicking, it is important to check the precise ingredients of electronic cigarette liquids and their country of manufacture.