According to a recent American study, the consumer of electronic cigarettes absorbs many carcinogenic chemicals in their lungs when they vape.
Are e-cigarettes more or less toxic than traditional cigarettes? Since its large-scale commercialization about fifteen years ago, scientific studies follow and contradict each other. According to one of the most recent, published by American researchers on August 7 in the scientific journal Toxics, the smoker would absorb many toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde when vaping, which may increase cancer risk.
Vera Samburova of the Nevada Research Institute and her team have been working on the risks associated with electronic cigarettes for several years now. In this new study, researchers analyzed the breathing of twelve e-cigarette consumers before vaping. For realism, most participants used their own devices and liquids and vaped as they would have done in the comfort of their home.
The scientists then subtracted the concentration of chemicals found in smokers ‘exhalation from the rate found in the vapors emanating from the device, the difference being absorbed in the vapers’ lungs. And the result is most frightening: “We found that the average concentration of aldehydes in the breath after a vaping session was ten times higher than before vaping,” says Vera Samburova.
A new study should be conducted on a larger group of participants
“Beyond that, we saw that the concentration of chemicals like formaldehyde in the breath after vaping was hundreds of times lower than what we found in the vapors of electronic cigarettes, which means that a significant rate remained in the airways of the smoker, “she continues. “Until now, the only research on the amount of aldehydes inhaled while smoking has been carried out on consumers of conventional cigarettes,” she explains.
“Our study shows the potential risk associated with aldehydes generated by electronic cigarettes”, explains Vera Samburova, before concluding: “In the future, exposure to aldehydes caused by e-cigarettes must absolutely be studied on a larger scale. group of participants, ”she concludes.
Risk of heart attack and DNA modification
While since February 2016, the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) considers the electronic cigarette as an aid to stop or reduce the consumption of tobacco by smokers, many studies regularly prove the harmfulness of this technology because of the products contained in its liquids. According to another American research published in May, vaping daily doublewould the likelihood of having a heart attack. A few months later, other scientists, also American, for their part discovered that the vapor device installed in electronic cigarettes introduced three chemicals into the mouth damaging DNA.
Faced with the number of contradictory research regularly published on the subject, the American Academy of Sciences published last January a 600-page report comparing 800 studies on the issue. The results of the latter have been classified according to their seriousness.