In its report on the risks associated with exposure to radiofrequencies, the national health security agency (ANSES) stated that electromagnetic waves were absolutely not harmful to health but still brought some nuances about it by evoking “a possible increase in the risk of brain tumor, in the long term, for intensive users of cell phones”.
For the sake of prevention, ANSES ended its report by recalling the recommendations for limiting exposure to waves, in particular by advising the hands-free kit for intensive mobile phone users and moderate use of the telephone among children.
This half-fig, half-grape report did not please the National Academy of Medicine, which considers that ANSES’s recommendations are “without scientific justification” and that they risk “unnecessarily worrying telephone users. portable ”.
“We worry the population in a file where there is nothing. Cell phone users need clear messages, ”said Professor André Aurengo, member of the National Academy of Medicine, and head of the nuclear medicine department at Pitié-Salpetrière in Paris. Professor Aurengo also underlined that the ANSES report confirms in all points the conclusions of the 2009 report and the position of the academy on the fact that “the some 2,600 studies published on this subject show no risk of cancer. or other organic pathologies due to mobile telephony ”.
According to Prof. Aurengo, “the real danger of the cell phone is traffic accidents when you are on the phone. A risk which is dealt with in 10 lines in a report of more than 400 pages ”.