Eating nuts would prevent loss of physical faculties in women. In particular, they reduce the effects of aging.
A nut diet. This is in essence what a study of the Journal of nutrition to maintain his physical capacities. Eating nuts as part of an overall healthy diet would mean fewer physical disorders for women as they age.
Researchers collected data from the Nurses’Health Study, which spanned more than thirty years. They analyzed the results of nearly 55,000 nurses questioned on their physical functions and their ability to perform everyday activities. They were then able to establish links between their eating habits and the decline in their physical potential years later.
Beneficial foods
These studies point out that the overall quality of the diet matters more than food taken separately. Reducing your consumption of sodium, sugary or alcoholic drinks, and so-called “trans” fats would help maintain all of your physical faculties.
But certain foods would have beneficial effects in themselves, such as orange or lettuce leaves. The walnut has many properties. It is mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids and contains a lot of omega 3 of natural origin (nearly 9 g per 100 g). These nutrients have a particular role in the prevention of certain diseases and aging.
Half a cup of nuts per week would be enough
These effects on physical functions can be seen from one to two quarter-cup servings of nuts per week. Other more frequent consumption habits among nut eaters may also partly explain these results.
Note that the study does not look at the case of men. For Dr. Francine Grodstein, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, the main message of this study is “that a healthy diet rich in whole foods like nuts allows women to maintain independence as they grow older. are getting older. “