Google wants to know everything about us, but the American firm jealously guards its trade secrets. Latest find developed in the Google X laboratory, the connected medical bracelet. It was the Bloomberg Agency that revealed its existence.
Like its competitors already firmly established on the market, this tool will measure the pulse, heart rate or body temperature of the person wearing it. Valuable indicators to take preventive action or to encourage the user to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
“This is not a first, recalls the site Begeek, Google has long been involved in the field of health with, among other things, its connected contact lenses or spoon projects to help people with Parkinson’s disease. »
But the use of this bracelet will not only be individual. “We are aiming for medical use for this device prescribed for patients or for clinical trials,” said one of the project leaders, Andy Conrad. Thus, this bracelet should be able to analyze environmental factors, such as sun exposure or noise levels in the context of tests or trials for drugs. It could also serve as a link between the patient and his doctor as a therapeutic follow-up tool.
According to its spokesperson, the Mountain View giant will begin trials this summer to test the effectiveness of its bracelet.