L’orthorexia, it is “the” disease of the moment. This pathology (which is linked to a eating disorder or TCA in scientific jargon) manifests itself in the form of an unhealthy obsession with the quality of the food we consume on a daily basis. Clearly, we do not eat vegetables if they are not organic, no bread if it contains gluten, no compote if it is not sugar-free, no meat if it is not local, no sauces that are too high in calories…
The consequences of this disease are mainly psychological: the orthorexic feels guilty as soon as he violates one of his rules healthy and lives permanently in an anguish related to its food. And no question of having fun from time to time, the control is permanent! In the end, it’s the depression.
To find out if you have orthorexia, a simple test is enough. This was developed by Dr. Steven Bratman, and validated by dieticians-nutritionists and psychologists around the world. Grab a pencil, here are the questions!
– Do you think about food more than 3 hours a day?
– Do you plan your menus several days in advance?
– In your opinion, are the nutritional values of foods more important than the pleasure they bring you?
– Your quality of life (sleepstress level, irritability) has it decreased lately?
– Do you have the feeling of being too strict with yourself, especially in terms of food?
– Does your self-esteem depend on what you eat?
– Have you banned certain products from your diet to eat healthier?
– Do you encounter difficulties when it comes to going to dinner at a restaurant or with friends?
– Do you feel guilty when you sprain your regime ?
– Are you proud of yourself when you feel you have eaten “well”?
If you answered “yes” to at least 5 questions, a consultation with a professional is required.