French people convinced of a difference in sexual needs between women and men
If we are to believe the large national survey “Context of sexuality in France” (CSF 2006): 73% of women and 59% of men agree with the idea that “by nature, men have more sexual needs. than women ”. This belief prevails in all generations, including the youngest, in the 18-24 age group, especially among women. In each generation, the most educated men and women adhere less to this differentialist and sexist vision.
The consequences of this “conception of the world”
Women who feel they have more moderate sexual needs usually go “elsewhere” less often and take less risk of conceiving outside marriage. According to evolutionary psychologists (with often controversial theories), women are content to accept the “protection of the male”, while they, the males, will seek to spread their genes to the maximum with the greatest number of partners.
What to think of all this?
It is a safe bet that culture, education, personal history and small genetic background, intervene on the fact of being carried or not on the sex. Similarly, it is often said that men only think about sex and women think about love.
True or false ?
There is no psychological law set in stone! Men with a capital H, enterprising, hypersexualized, active even domineering, and passive women, attentive, tender, welcoming and caring, if all this were so obvious, it would be known. We can, however, identify a masculine or feminine “style”, which is primarily due to the use of speech. The women are more in the affective and the exchange of emotions, the men in the action and the exchange of information. For the latter, which is often at stake, explains the andrologist and psychosomatician Sylvain Mimoun in “Sex and feelings” (ed. Albin Michel), “it is the obsession to be up to the task, capable, truly virile. . They are in constant evaluation, conscious or unconscious, sexual or not. And this is due to this capital materiality, to a natural evidence: they have an external, visible, eloquent sex, a sex that sums up their emotions, well integrated into their body and mental scheme. It’s okay, they’re hard, it’s not, they disband. They are naked. Women who have a hidden, intimate, mysterious sex are a far cry from this type of reasoning. “
For men, sex is a perfect way to end up on the pillow. Whether they are worried, aggressive, stressed or happy, love allows them to decompress, to find themselves, to recharge their batteries, to be virile and to concretely show their feelings. Women, for their part, often need the best of all possible worlds to surrender, says the doctor. To make love, they first need to love or more exactly to create a connivance and a complicity.
What about the feelings in all of this?
49% of men agree with the idea that you can have sex with someone without loving them, compared to 26% of women, according to the 2006 CSF survey.